Doctor Kildare

Título original: Doctor Kildare
Categoría: Medicos
País: Estados Unidos
Año: 1961
Año de Estreno en España: 1964
Temporadas: 5 Temporadas
Episodios: 191 Episodios
Duración: 30 min (58 episodios) / 60 min (132 episodios)

Sintonía de Inicio:


La serie de televisión cuenta la historia del joven interno Dr. James Kildare que trabajaba en el gran hospital metropolitano ficticio "Blair General Hospital" y trataba de aprender su profesión, lidiar con los problemas de los pacientes y ganarse el respeto del Dr. Leonard Gillespie. Los episodios frecuentemente destacaban enfermedades o condiciones médicas que no habían sido ampliamente discutidas en la televisión, incluyendo la adicción a las drogas, la anemia falciforme y la epilepsia.


Richard Chamberlain - Dr. James Kildare
Raymond Massey - Dr. Leonard Gillespie


Descarga del Vídeo de la Sintonía


En la Wikipedia
En Imdb

Listado de Episodios:

1ª Temporada
1 - Twenty-Four Hours
2 - Immunity
3 - Shining Image
4 - Winter Harvest
5 - The Million Dollar Property
6 - Admitting Service
7 - The Lonely Ones
8 - Holiday Weekend
9 - The Patient
10 - For the Living
11 - Second Chance
12 - Hit and Run
13 - Season to Be Jolly
14 - Johnny Temple
15 - My Brother, the Doctor
16 - The Adminstrator
17 - Oh My Daughter
18 - The Search
19 - The Glory Hunter
20 - The Dragon
21 - The Stepping Stone
22 - The Bronc Buster
23 - The Witch Doctor
24 - The Roaring Boy-O
25 - Solomon's Choice
26 - A Very Present Help
27 - One for the Road
28 - The Horn of Plenty
29 - The Chemistry of Anger
30 - Something of Importance
31 - A Distant Thunder
32 - The Road to the Heart
33 - Operation Lazarus

2ª Temporada
34 - Gravida One
35 - The Burning Sky
36 - The Visitors
37 - The Mask Makers
38 - Guest Appearance
39 - Hastings Farewell
40 - Breakdown
41 - The Cobweb Chain
42 - The Soul Killer
43 - An Ancient Office
44 - The Legacy
45 - The Bed I've Made
46 - A Time for Every Purpose
47 - Love is a Sad Song
48 - The Thing Speaks for Itself
49 - The Great Guy
50 - The Mosaic
51 - Good Luck Charm
52 - Jail Ward
53 - A Trip to Niagara
54 - A Place Among the Monuments
55 - Face of Fear
56 - Sister Mike
57 - A Very Infectious Disease
58 - Dark Side of the Mirror
59 - The Sleeping Princess
60 - Ship's Doctor
61 - Tightrope Into Nowhere
62 - The Balance and the Crucible
63 - The Gift of Koodjanuk
64 - An Island Like a Peacock
65 - To Each His Prison
66 - A Hand Held Out in Darkness
67 - What's God to Julius?

3ª Temporada
68 - Whoever Heard of Two-Headed Dolls?
69 - Good Samaritan
70 - If You Can't Believe the Truth
71 - The Heart, an Imperfect Machine
72 - A Game for Three
73 - The Exploiters
74 - One Clear, Bright Thursday Morning
75 - Eleventh Commandment
76 - Four Feet in the Morning
77 - The Pack Rat and Prima Donna
78 - The Backslider
79 - Charile Wade Makes Lots of Shade
80 - The Oracle
81 - Vote of Confidence
82 - Willing Suspension of Disbelief
83 - Tyger Tyger (1)
84 - Tyger Tyger (2)
85 - Never Too Old for the Circus
86 - Onions, Garlic and Flowers That Bloom in Spring
87 - To Walk in Grace
88 - Goodbye Mr. Jersey
89 - Why Won't Anybody Listen?
90 - The Child Between
91 - A Hundred Million Tomorrows
92 - Tomorrow is a Fickle Girl
93 - Quid Pro Quo
94 - A Day to Remember
95 - An Ungodly Act
96 - A Nickel's Worth of Prayer
97 - Night of the Beast
98 - The Middle of Ernie Mann
99 - Sense of Tempo
100 - Speak Not in Angry Whispers
101 - Dolly's Dilemma

4ª Temporada
102 - Man is a Rock
103 - Maybe Love Will Save My Apartment House
104 - Hand That Hurts, Hand That Heals
105 - Last Leaves on the Tree
106 - What's Different About Today?
107 - Sound of a Faraway Hill
108 - Candle in the Window
109 - Rome Will Never Leave You (1)
110 - Rome Will Never Leave You (2)
111 - Rome Will Never Leave You (3)
112 - Elusive Dik Dik
113 - Catch a Crooked Mouse
114 - Exchange of Gifts
115 - Never is a Long Day
116 - Lullaby for an Indian Summer
117 - Take Care of My Little Girl
118 - My Name is Lisa, and I am Lost
119 - Please Let My Baby Live
120 - No Mother to Guide Them
121 - A Marriage of Convenience
122 - Make Way for Tomorrow
123 - Miracle for Margaret
124 - Do You Trust Your Doctor?
125 - All Brides Should be so Beatiful
126 - She Loves Me, She Loves Me Not (1)
127 - She Loves Me, She Loves Me Not (2)
128 - A Journey to the Sunrise
129 - Time Buyers
130 - Music Hath Charms
131 - Believe and Live
132 - Reverence for Life
133 - Wings of Hope

5ª Temporada
134 - Behold the Great Man (1)
135 - A Life for Life (2)
136 - Web of Hate (3)
137 - Horizontal Hero (4)
138 - The Bell in the Schoolhouse Tolls for Thee (1)
139 - Life in the Dance Hall: F-U-N (2)
140 - Some Doors are Slamming (3)
141 - Enough La Boheme for Everybody (4)
142 - Now: the Mummy (5)
143 - A Pyrotechnic Display (6)
144 - With Helfire and Thunder (1)
145 - Daily Flights to Olympus (2)
146 - The Life Machine (1)
147 - Toast the Golden Couple (2)
148 - Wives and Losers (3)
149 - Welcome Home, Dear Anna (4)
150 - A Little Child Shall Lead Them (5)
151 - Hour of Decision (6)
152 - Aftermath (7)
153 - Fathers and Daughters (1)
154 - A Gift of Love (2)
155 - The Tent-Dwellers (3)
156 - Going Home (4)
157 - Something Old, Something New (1)
158 - To Visit One More Spring (2)
159 - From Nigeria with Love (1)
160 - In Roman Candle's Bright Glare (2)
161 - When Shadows Fall (3)
162 - With This Ring (4)
163 - Perfect is too Hard to Be (1)
164 - Duet for One Hand (2)
165 - The Atheist and the True Believer (1)
166 - A Quick Look at Glory (2)
167 - A Sort of Falling in Love (3)
168 - The Last to Believe in Miracles (4)
169 - The Next Thing to Murder (5)
170 - Never So Happy (6)
171 - A Cry from the Street (1)
172 - Gratitude Won't Pay the Bills (2)
173 - Adrift in a Sea of Confusion (3)
174 - These Hands That Heal (4)
175 - Few Hearts, Few Flowers (1)
176 - Some Tales for Halloween (2)
177 - I Can Hear the Ice Melting (3)
178 - No Other Road (4)
179 - The Encroachment (1)
180 - A Patient Lost (2)
181 - What Happened to All the Sunshine and Roses? (3)
182 - The Taste of Crow (4)
183 - Out of a Concrete Tower (5)
184 - The Art of Taking a Powder (1)
185 - Read the Book, Then See the Picture (2)
186 - A Sometimes Distant Spring (1)
187 - Travel a Crooked Road (2)
188 - Mercy or Murder? (1)
189 - A Strange Sort of Accident (2)
190 - New Doctor in Town (3)
191 - Reckoning (4)

25 comentarios:

Gilberto dijo...

Esta serie foi importante na minha infancia e determinante na escolha da minha profissão. Fiquei muito feliz em "reencontrar" esses personagens aqui.

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