
Titulo original: Wagon Train
Categoría: Western
País: Estados Unidos
Año: 1957
Año de Estreno en España: 1963
Temporadas: 8 Temporadas
Episodios: 284 Episodios
Duración: 60 minutos
Situación: Terminada

Sintonía de Inicio:


Frank McGrath - Charlie Wooster
Terry Wilson - Bill Hawks
Robert Horton - Flint McCullough
John McIntire - Christopher Hale
Ward Bond - Major Seth Adams
Denny Miller - Duke Shannon
Robert Fuller - Cooper Smith


La serie trataba Las historias de los integrantes de una caravana en el marco del viaje que partía de Saint Joseph, Missouri, con colonos que iban a radicarse a California.
Durante el eterno viaje había incontables situaciones peligrosas en las grandes planicies controladas por los indios, los interminables desiertos y los profundos pasos de las Rocosas. Otra fuente de anécdotas para la serie eran los conflictos y los dramas humanos que surgían de los colonos que integraban la caravana.


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En Imdb

Listado de Episodios:

*La séptima temporada se grabo en color y con una duración de 90 minutos, mientras que las otras siete temporadas fueron en blanco y negro y duraban solo una hora.

1ª Temporada
1 - The Willy Moran Story
2 - The Jean LeBec Story
3 - The John Cameron Story
4 - The Ruth Owens Story
5 - The Les Rand Story
6 - The Nels Stack Story
7 - The Emily Rossiter Story
8 - The John Darro Story
9 - The Charles Avery Story
10 - The Mary Halstead Story
11 - The Zeke Thomas Story
12 - The Riley Gratton Story
13 - The Clara Beauchamp Story
14 - The Julia Gage Story
15 - The Cliff Grundy Story
16 - The Luke O'Malley Story
17 - The Jesse Cowan Story
18 - The Gabe Carswell Story
19 - The Honorable Don Charlie Story
20 - The Dora Gray Story
21 - The Annie MacGregor Story
22 - The Bill Tawnee Story
23 - The Mark Hanford Story
24 - The Bernal Sierra Story
25 - The Marie Dupree Story
26 - A Man Called Horse
27 - The Sarah Drummond Story
28 - The Sally Potter Story
29 - The Daniel Barrister Story
30 - The Major Adams Story (1)
31 - The Major Adams Story (2)
32 - The Charles Maury Story
33 - The Dan Hogan Story
34 - The Ruttledge Munroe Story
35 - The Rex Montana Story
36 - The Cassie Tanner Story
37 - The John Wilbot Story
38 - The Monty Britton Story
39 - The Sacramento Story

2ª Temporada
40 - Around the Horn
41 - The Juan Ortega Story
42 - The Jennifer Churchill Story
43 - The Tobias Jones Story
44 - The Liam Fitzmorgan Story
45 - The Doctor Willoughby Story
46 - The Bije Wilcox Story
47 - The Millie Davis Story
48 - The Sakae Ito Story
49 - The Tent City Story
50 - The Beauty Jamison Story
51 - The Mary Ellen Thomas Story
52 - The Dick Richardson Story
53 - The Kitty Angel Story
54 - The Flint McCullough Story
55 - The Hunter Malloy Story
56 - The Ben Courtney Story
57 - The Ella Lindstrom Story
58 - The Last Man
59 - The Old Man Charvanaugh Story
60 - The Annie Griffith Story
61 - The Jasper Cato Story
62 - The Vivian Carter Story
63 - The Conchita Vasquez Story
64 - The Sister Rita Story
65 - The Matthew Lowry Story
66 - The Swift Cloud Story
67 - The Vincent Eaglewood Story
68 - The Clara Duncan Story
69 - The Duke LeMay Story
70 - The Kate Parker Story
71 - The Steve Campden Story
72 - Chuck Wooster, Wagonmaster
73 - The Jose Maria Moran Story
74 - The Andrew Hale Story
75 - The Rodney Lawrence Story
76 - The Steele Family
77 - The Jenny Tannen Story

3ª Temporada
78 - The Stagecoach Story
79 - The Greenhorn Story
80 - The C.L. Harding Story
81 - The Estaban Zamora Story
82 - The Elizabeth McQueeny Story
83 - The Martha Barnham Story
84 - The Cappy Darrin Story
85 - The Felizia Kingdom Story
86 - The Jess MacAbbee Story
87 - The Danny Benedict Story
88 - The Vittorio Bottecelli Story
89 - The St. Nicholas Story
90 - The Ruth Marshall Story
91 - The Lita Foladaire Story
92 - The Colonel Harris Story
93 - The Marie Brandt Story
94 - The Larry Hanify Story
95 - The Clayton Tucker Story
96 - The Benjamin Burns Story
97 - The Ricky and Laura Bell Story
98 - The Tom Tuckett Story
99 - The Tracy Sadler Story
100 - The Alexander Portlass Story
101 - The Christine Elliot Story
102 - The Joshua Gilliam Story
103 - The Maggie Hamilton Story
104 - The Jonas Murdock Story
105 - The Amos Gibbon Story
106 - Trial for Murder (1)
107 - Trial for Murder (2)
108 - The Countess Baranof Story
109 - The Dick Jarvis Story
110 - The Dr. Swift Cloud Story
111 - The Luke Grant Story
112 - The Charlene Brenton Story
113 - The Sam Livingston Story
114 - The Shad Bennington Story

4ª Temporada

115 - Wagons Ho!
116 - The Horace Best Story
117 - The Albert Farnsworth Story
118 - The Allison Justis Story
119 - The Jose Morales Story
120 - The Princess of a Lost Tribe
121 - The Cathy Eckhart Story
122 - The Bleymier Story
123 - The Colter Craven Story
124 - The Jane Hawkins Story
125 - The Candy O'Hara Story
126 - The River Crossing
127 - The Roger Bigelow Story
128 - The Jeremy Dow Story
129 - The Earl Packer Story
130 - The Patience Miller Story
131 - The Sam Elder Story
132 - The Weight of Command
133 - The Prairie Story
134 - The Path of the Serpent
135 - The Odyssey of Flint McCullough
136 - The Beth Pearson Story
137 - The Jed Polke Story
138 - The Nancy Palmer Story
139 - The Christopher Hale Story
140 - The Tiburcio Mendez Story
141 - The Nellie Jefferson Story
142 - The Saul Bevins Story
143 - The Joe Muharich Story
144 - The Duke Shannon Story
145 - The Will Santee Story
146 - The Jim Bridger Story
147 - The Eleanor Culhane Story
148 - The Chalice
149 - The Janet Hale Story
150 - Wagon to Fort Anderson
151 - The Ah Chong Story
152 - The Don Alvarado Story

5ª Temporada
153 - The Captain Dan Brady Story
154 - The Kitty Albright Story
155 - The Maud Frazer Story
156 - The Selena Hartnell Story
157 - The Clementine Jones Story
158 - The Jenna Douglas Story
159 - The Artie Matthewson Story
160 - The Mark Miner Story
161 - The Bruce Saybrook Story
162 - The Lizabeth Ann Calhoun Story
163 - The Traitor
164 - The Bettina May Story
165 - Clyde
166 - The Martin Onyx Story
167 - The Dick Pederson Story
168 - The Hobie Redman Story
169 - The Malachi Hobart Story
170 - The Dr. Denker Story
171 - The Lonnie Fallon Story
172 - The Jeff Hartfield Story
173 - The Daniel Clay Story
174 - The Lieutenant Burton Story
175 - The Charley Shutup Story
176 - The Amos Billings Story
177 - The Baylor Crofoot Story
178 - The George B. Hanrahan Story
179 - The Swamp Devil
180 - The Cole Crawford Story
181 - The Levi Hale Story
182 - The Terry Morrell Story
183 - The Jud Steele Story
184 - The Mary Beckett Story
185 - The Nancy Davis Story
186 - The Frank Carter Story
187 - The John Turnbull Story
188 - The Hiram Winthrop Story
189 - The Heather Mahoney Story

6ª Temporada
190 - Wagon Train Mutiny
191 - The Caroline Casteel Story
192 - The Madame Sagittarius Story
193 - The Martin Gatsby Story
194 - The John Augustus Story
195 - The Mavis Grant Story
196 - The Lisa Raincloud Story
197 - The Shiloh Degnan Story
198 - The Levy-McGowan Story
199 - The John Bernard Story
200 - The Kurt Davos Story
201 - The Eve Newhope Story
202 - The Orly French Story
203 - The Donna Fuller Story
204 - The Sam Darland Story
205 - The Abel Weatherly Story
206 - The Davey Baxter Story
207 - The Johnny Masters Story
208 - The Naomi Kaylor Story
209 - The Hollister John Garrison Story
210 - The Lily Legend Story
211 - Charlie Wooster - Outlaw
212 - The Sara Proctor Story
213 - The Emmett Lawton Story
214 - The Annie Duggan Story
215 - The Michael McGoo Story
216 - The Adam MacKenzie Story
217 - The Tom Tuesday Story
218 - Heather and Hamish
219 - The Blane Wessels Story
220 - The Tom O'Neal Story
221 - The Clarence Mullins Story
222 - The David Garner Story
223 - Alias Bill Hawks
224 - The Antone Rose Story
225 - The Jim Whitlow Story
226 - The Barnaby West Story

7ª Temporada
227 - The Molly Kincaid Story
228 - The Fort Pierce Story
229 - The Gus Morgan Story
230 - The Widow O'Rourke Story
231 - The Robert Harrison Clarke Story
232 - The Myra Marshall Story
233 - The Sam Spicer Story
234 - The Sam Pulaski Story
235 - The Eli Bancroft Story
236 - The Kitty Pryor Story
237 - The Sandra Cummings Story
238 - The Bleeker Story
239 - The Story of Cain
240 - The Cassie Vance Story
241 - The Fenton Canaby Story
242 - The Michael Malone Story
243 - The Jed Whitmore Story
244 - The Geneva Balfour Story
245 - The Kate Crawley Story
246 - The Grover Allen Story
247 - The Andrew Elliott Story
248 - The Melanie Craig Story
249 - The Pearlie Garnet Story
250 - The Trace McCloud Story
251 - The Duncan McIvor Story
252 - The Ben Engel Story
253 - The Whipping
254 - The Santiago Quesada Story
255 - The Stark Bluff Story
256 - The Link Cheney Story
257 - The Zebedee Titus Story
258 - Last Circle Up

8ª Temporada
259 - The Bob Stuart Story
260 - The Hide Hunters
261 - The John Gillman Story
262 - The Race Town Story
263 - The Barbara Lindquist Story
264 - The Brian Conlin Story
265 - The Alice Whitetree Story
266 - Those Who Stay Behind
267 - The Nancy Styles Story
268 - The Richard Bloodgood Story
269 - The Clay Shelby Story
270 - Little Girl Lost
271 - The Story of Hector Heatherington
272 - The Echo Pass Story
273 - The Chottsie Gubenheimer Story
274 - The Wanda Snow Story
275 - The Isaiah Quickfox Story
276 - Herman
277 - The Bonnie Brooke Story
278 - The Miss Mary Lee McIntosh Story
279 - The Captain Sam Story
280 - The Betsy Blee Smith Story
281 - The Katy Piper Story
282 - The Indian Girl Story
283 - The Silver Lady
284 - The Jarbo Pierce Story

1 comentario:

jorge l beltran dijo...