Daniel el Travieso (1959)

Título original: Dennis the Menace
Categoría: Comedia
País: Estados Unidos
Año: 1959
Año de Estreno en España: 1965
Temporadas: 4 Temporadas
Episodios: 146 Episodios
Duración: 30 Minutos
Situación: Terminada

Sintonía de Inicio:


Basada en una tira cómica que se publica en los periódicos, la serie relata las aventuras de Daniel, un pequeño diablillo travieso que sin mala intención siempre acaba metido en líos, sobre todo importunando la vida de sus vecinos, los Wilson.


Jay North - Daniel Mitchell
Herbert Anderson - Henry Mitchell
Gloria Henry - Alice Mitchell
Billy Booth - Tommy Anderson
Joseph Kearns - George Wilson
Sylvia Field - Martha Wilson
Gale Gordon - John Wilson
Jeannie Russell - Margaret Wade


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En la Wikipedia
En Imdb

Listado de Episodios:

1ª Temporada
1 - Dennis Goes to the Movies
2 - Dennis & the Signpost
3 - The Fishing Trip
4 - Grandpa and Miss Cathcart
5 - Innocents in Space
6 - Dennis' Garden
7 - The New Neighbors
8 - Tenting Tonight
9 - Dennis Sells Bottles
10 - Mr. Wilson's Award
11 - The Christmas Story
12 - Dennis and the Cowboy
13 - Dennis Haunts a House
14 - Dennis' Tree House
15 - Dennis and the Rare Coin
16 - Dennis and the Bike
17 - Dennis and the Open House
18 - Dennis and the Duck
19 - Dennis and the Swing
20 - Dennis and the Dog
21 - Mr. Wilson's Sister
22 - Dennis and the TV Set
23 - Dennis Creates a Hero
24 - Dennis' Paper Drive
25 - Dennis and the Bees
26 - Alice's Birthday
27 - Dennis Becomes a Baby Sitter
28 - Dennis and the Starlings
29 - The Party Line
30 - Dennis by Proxy
31 - Dennis Runs Away
32 - Miss Cathcart's Sunsuit

2ª Temporada
33 - Out of Retirement
34 - Dennis and the Wedding
35 - Dennis and the Radio Set
36 - Dennis and the Ham-pher
37 - The Stock Certificate
38 - Man of the House
39 - The Rock Collection
40 - Henry and Togetherness
41 - Paint-up, Clean-up Week
42 - Dennis Learns to Whistle
43 - The Raffle Ticket
44 - The Christmas Horse
45 - Dennis' Allowance
46 - Dennis' Penny Collection
47 - Dennis, the Campaign Manager
48 - Miss Cathcart's Friend
49 - Pythias Was a Piker
50 - Dennis and the Saxophone
51 - Wilson Sleeps Over
52 - Dennis' Birthday
53 - Dennis Goes to Camp
54 - Dennis' Tool Chest
55 - The Going Away Gift
56 - Dennis and the Fishing Rod
57 - Dennis and the Good Example
58 - Dennis' Obligation
59 - The Dog Trainer
60 - Woodman, Spare That Tree
61 - The Boy Wonder
62 - The Soapbox Derby
63 - Dennis and the Camera
64 - Dennis and the Miracle Plant Food
65 - Dennis' Newspaper
66 - Mr. Wilson's Paradise
67 - The Fortune Cookie
68 - The Pioneers
69 - Father's Day for Mr. Wilson
70 - Dennis and the Picnic

3ª Temporada
71 - Trouble from Mars
72 - Best Neighbor
73 - Keep Off the Grass
74 - Mr. Wilson's Safe
75 - Haunted House
76 - The School Play
77 - The Fifty-Thousandth Customer
78 - Dennis and the Pee Wee League
79 - Mr. Wilson's Inheritance
80 - Dennis Is a Genius
81 - The Lucky Piece
82 - The Fifteen Foot Christmas Tree
83 - Dennis' Bank Account
84 - Through Thick and Thin
85 - Calling All Bird Lovers
86 - Silence Is Golden
87 - Dennis Has a Fling
88 - Frog Jumping Contest
89 - Where There's a Will
90 - Mr. Wilson's Uncle
91 - A Quiet Evening
92 - The Private Eye
93 - Mr. Wilson's Housekeeper
94 - A Dog's Life
95 - Dennis' Documentary Film
96 - Horseless Carriage Club
97 - Junior Pathfinders Ride Again
98 - The Treasure Chest
99 - Wilson Goes to the Dentist
100 - The Man Next Door
101 - Dennis and the Dodger
102 - Dennis' Lovesick Friend
103 - John Wilson's Cushion
104 - John Wilson Wins a Chicken
105 - The Bully
106 - The Club Initiation
107 - Community Picnic
108 - Dennis and the Witch Doctor

4ª Temporada
109 - The Chinese Girl
110 - You Go Your Way
111 - Dennis and the Circular Circumstances
112 - The Little Judge
113 - Poor Mr. Wilson
114 - Dennis in Gypsyland
115 - The New Principal
116 - San Diego Safari
117 - Dennis at Boot Camp
118 - Henry's New Job
119 - Wilson's Second Childhood
120 - Jane Butterfield Says
121 - Dennis and the Hermit
122 - My Uncle Ned
123 - Junior Astronaut
124 - Wilson's Little White Lie
125 - Dennis, the Rain Maker
126 - The Creature with the Big Feet
127 - Dennis, the Confused Cupid
128 - Dennis Goes to Washington
129 - The Big Basketball Game
130 - Wilson's Allergy
131 - Baby Booties
132 - My Four Boys
133 - Dennis and the Homing Pigeons
134 - A Tax on Cats
135 - The Uninvited Guest
136 - Dennis Plays Robin Hood
137 - The Three F's
138 - Never Say Dye
139 - The Lost Dog
140 - Tuxedo Trouble
141 - Hawaiian Love Song
142 - The Lucky Rabbit's Foot
143 - Listen to the Mockingbird
144 - First Editions
145 - A Man Among Men
146 - Aunt Emma Visits the Wilsons

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